6 tips to registering for summer, fall classes

Blake Lanser/Iowa State Daily

There are different periods when students can drop their classes. The Office of the Registrar employs a $12 fee for students to drop a class in an attempt to deter them from dropping and inform them that they should make their schedules for what they know is going to work.

Emily Clement

With class registration beginning this week, there is a lot to take into consideration before your registration date.

Here are a few tips to registering for classes:

1. Plan out your schedule before registering

Take time to sit down and plan out your prospective schedule before registering for what you think you want to take. You could run into time conflicts if you don’t pay attention to when each class takes place. This is also important for deciding what you need and want to take. You can plan out your schedule with the “Schedule of classes” section under the “Student” tab on the Iowa State University website. Also make sure you don’t have any holds on your registration.

2. Have a backup plan

Don’t just assume that all of your classes will fit the way you want them to. It is very possible for a class to run out of space, or it could have requirements that you weren’t aware of before. Be sure to have a backup plan in case something in your schedule doesn’t work out. 

3. Have you RAN ready and be aware of your registration time

Make sure to meet with your adviser to attain your RAN before your registration time. The RAN is needed to enter into the “Class Registration” section on Access Plus. Also, be aware of your registration time. It is in your best interest to be ready on AccessPlus when your registration time comes around so that you don’t lose out on a class you want to take. Your registration time can be found in the “Current Student Info” section of Access Plus.

4. Don’t forget about required courses

Obviously all majors and minors have specific course requirements, but don’t forget about the required classes outside of your major or minor. General education courses are required in addition to your major and minor requirements. These could be courses from the Social Science, Natural Science and Arts and Humanities categories. Also, it is important to remember the International Perspectives and U.S. Diversity requirements.

5. Think about lunch

Don’t forget about a lunch period when trying to cram all of your classes together. It is important to make time for lunch as it can give you energy for the rest of the day. Try to save an hour or so in your schedule for this time.

6. Consider commute time

When considering what time to schedule your classes, don’t forget to take into consideration the time it will take you to get from class to class. Try to pick times that allow you at least 10 minutes in between classes as you never know what could happen on your route to your next class, especially if you ride CyRide.