Editorial: New Year’s resolutions should be reminders of goals

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The ISD Editorial Board recommends to make your New Year’s Resolutions simple and achievable to avoid extra pressure and stress. These resolutions aren’t binding, and personal goals can be set at any time throughout the year. 

Editorial Board

It’s almost the end of the year and — this year specifically — it’s almost the end of the decade. 

New Year’s is a great chance to reflect on the accomplishments and highs and lows of the past year, and it also signals a fresh start. 

It’s an exciting time to think about a new year starting, but it can also seem overwhelming and pressuring. A popular tradition is to make a “New Year’s Resolution,” and oftentimes multiple. 

While it’s good to set goals for the new year, it’s important to remember a few things before the new year starts.

If you make any New Year resolutions, make sure they are simple, specific and achievable. 

Remember: These resolutions aren’t binding or shouldn’t put lots of stress on your day-to-day life. They should be reminders of what you want to be working toward, not a binding contract that causes anxiety. If you are one of those people who will find making a resolution anxiety-inducing, you don’t have to, it’s not a requirement. You can still make progress even if you aren’t specifically documenting it. 

If you do make any resolutions, a way to make them not seem as overbearing and overwhelming is to be specific. Instead of saying you want to run faster by the end of the year, maybe write something like you want to.

You can also make personal goals at any point throughout the year. While New Year’s is a good excuse to make resolutions and set goals for yourself, you can make them at any point throughout the year. If you meet a goal, you can also rework it — goals are ever-changing. 

Take some time to reflect before 2020 about where you were at the beginning of this year and where you are now. Think about where you want to be at the end of next year and what are some clear, achievable steps to get there. 

A good alternative to a specific resolution is to pick a word that you want to focus on. The word can be anything, from “positivity” to “fitness” to “breathe” to “focus.” It’s a good idea if specific goals cause you too much stress.

Here’s to the end of the decade, and from the ISD Editorial Board, a year of good health, friendship and positivity.