Meet Olympia

One item Olympia enjoys is her music notebook, where she writes music.

Name: Olympia (Olly) Manning

Pronouns: She/Her

Major: Music

Year: Junior

What are you involved in?

Cyclone Swing Society, ISU Symphony, Film Producers Club.

Where do you enjoy hanging out?

LGBTSS or Music Hall.

What do you do in your free time?

Play violin, write music and social activism.

What is one thing that makes you happy on a typical day? Why?

Interacting with other people with similar interests. It’s easier for me to relate to them.

What is one thing you’re grateful for? Why?

Support from loved ones because lord knows I need it.

What food and drink makes you the happiest?

Dr. Pepper and guacamole.

What is your favorite genre of movies? Why?

Anything with a great score!

What is one place you’d like to travel? Why?

I want to go to the Ireland-Scotland area. I’ve always been fascinated with the culture and bagpipe music.

Would you rather use a pen or a pencil? Why?

Pencil. I make a lot of mistakes and I can easily rectify them.