Meet Dani

Chris Jorgensen/Iowa State Daily

One item Dani enjoys is her cactus named Clyde.

Name: Danielle (Dani) Gehr

Pronouns: She/Her

Major: Journalism and Mass Communication, International Studies and French

Year: Freshman

What are you involved in?

Iowa State Daily, ISU all-female choir Cantamus

Where do you enjoy hanging out?

In a hammock by Lake LaVerne or on the third floor of the library.

What do you do in your free time?

Watch TV, sing and play music, read, or just listen to music.

What is one thing that makes you happy on a typical day? Why?

My cactus named ‘Clyde’ because he’s still alive and he depends on me.

What is one thing you’re grateful for? Why?

My two close friends from elementary school because I have somebody to go to. 

What food and drink makes you the happiest?

Green tea with honey and tangerines.

What is your favorite genre of movies? Why?

Rom-coms! It’s funny, it makes you feel good, there’s love and usually it works out in the end.

What is one place you’d like to travel? Why?

Lausen. There’s a cute (probably historic) town, there’s mountains, it’s French speaking…

Would you rather use a pen or a pencil? Why?

Pen because my handwriting looks nicer, it feels smoother to write with and it’s darker.