Meet Chris

Emily Hammer/Iowa State Daily

One item that makes Chris happy is his camera.

Name: Christopher (Chris) Jorgensen

Pronouns: He/Him

Major: Journalism and Mass Communication

Year: Sophomore

What are you involved in?

Iowa State Daily

Where do you enjoy hanging out?

In my room.

What do you do in your free time?

Play basketball.

What is one thing that makes you happy on a typical day? Why?

Being done with the day and getting to sleep makes me happy because I don’t get a whole lot of time to relax.

What is one thing you’re grateful for? Why?

I’m grateful for my job, friends and girlfriend. My job is a cool opportunity and I love it. And my friends and girlfriend are supportive and fun people I enjoy being around.

What food and drink makes you the happiest?

Peanut butter and cherry Kool-Aid.

What is your favorite genre of movies? Why?

I don’t really watch movies.

What is one place you’d like to travel? Why?

Europe because it’s got so much cool stuff. It’s so varied and it’s not big, so in one week you can see so much.

Would you rather use a pen or a pencil? Why?

Pen. Pencils hurt your hand, they don’t look or feel nice and you get lead on your finger. Pens are smooth and fun to write with.