Outline of the new programs from the Division of Student Affairs

Maddie Leopardo/Iowa State Daily

Martino Harmon, Senior Vice President of student affairs, speaks to students in front of the Enrollment Services Building on Nov. 16. “We have always supported undocumented students,” stated Harmon. 

Emily Clement

There have been three new programs added within the Division of Student Affairs since August of 2016. These new programs are meant to have a positive effect on Iowa State students. 

  1. Student Affairs Fundraising – This program works with the ISU Foundation to secure and manage gifts that are presented to Iowa State University, as well as working with alumni and supporters who generously give money to the university. They also ensure that students get the financial help they need to be able to get a degree.

  2. Student Health and Wellness – This program is available to help not only students’ well-being, but also the staff’s well-being. This program hopes to address things such as holistic wellness, health promotion and prevention across campus. The official launch of this program will happen in mid-February.

  3. Assessment and Research – This program is meant to focus on what student affairs departments are doing and assess their progress and impact on campus or in the office. They then evaluate what was achieved and what can be improved. Research is then used to take what they found in the assessments and apply it to the outside world.

These new programs are just a few things that the Division of Student Affairs does. You can find more information about these programs and what the Division of Student Affairs does on the Iowa State University website.