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2017 StuGov elections to take place in March
Cody Woodruff, Steven Valentino and Rhett Thys listen to a speaker during the Student Government meeting Jan. 18 in the Memorial Union.
January 25, 2017
Student Government confirmed Wednesday the members of the Election Commission, which will plan times, dates and locations for the 2017 general elections.
Eight of the 10 seats for the StuGov Election Commission that were previously vacant were filled, as with fewer than 10 members, the committee is unable to function in an effective way.
One of the goals of the committee is to spread word of the elections to possible candidates, as well as to voters.
“People need to know that this is an opportunity that they can simply be a part of by filling out a piece of paper,” Sen. Maria Archevald-Cansobre said.
The Election Commission has many other organizational responsibilities regarding the Student Government general elections, which will take place March 7 and 8.
Student Government wishes to increase the number of voters. Its goal for the 2017 elections is a 15 percent student voter turnout, according to the Election Commission bylaws document.
“We’re trying to get voters to increase. That’s always a [StuGov] goal,” Sen. Archevald-Cansobre said.
Another goal for the commission is to fill every single seat, having at least one candidate on the ballot at election time.
Candidates who wish to run for a Student Government senate position must attend at least one election seminar. The final two informational sessions are at 6 p.m. Thursday in room 3534 of the Memorial Union and 6 p.m. Monday in room 2210 of the Memorial Union. More information can be found on the 2017 Election Timeline of the Student Government’s website.
Want to run for a Senate Seat or Executive Position? You HAVE to attend a candidate session. Get the details here: https://t.co/obNlhhvcGw pic.twitter.com/Q7YJkdk4Hs
— ISU Student Gov (@ISUStuGov) January 24, 2017
The deadline for registering as an official StuGov candidate is at 9 p.m. Feb. 6.
Before the general StuGov elections, which are scheduled for March 7 and 8, executive debates will take place.
The debate for the vice president position will take place at 6 p.m. Feb. 21 in the Sun Room, while the Presidential debate will take place at 7 p.m. Feb. 24 in the Campanile Room.
The purpose of the election debates is not only to choose the best candidates for each position but also to draw students to participate in election voting.
“It’s not only about increasing voters, but it’s about increasing interest in the students,” Archevald-Cansobre said. “I think interest in the students starts by getting [them] to be involved and run.”
The announcements for elections results are on March 9 in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.
Students are encouraged by the Senate to run and to vote for their favorite candidates in order to keep the government diverse, and the positions are a great opening for future success.
“This is an amazing opportunity,” Archevald-Cansobre said. “It allows for so much growth.”