Letter: It’s on all of us to prevent sexual assault

Men, I’m talking to you today about sexual assault. It’s about time we, as men, stop rewarding each other for aggressive sexual behaviors directed toward others.

We do this through slapping our buddies on the back and offering them five bucks if he can get that girl in bed. We do it in our GroupMe’s and our Facebook groups and in other forums where we rate women as if they are objects for our own use.

When we were in grade school, our teachers told us about peer pressure and how to say no to things that we should not be doing. Even 10 years ago, we could go home and be away from the pressure.

Now, we are constantly being pressured because our peers are in our hands and our pockets wherever we go. We try to show off to one another by having the best Snapchat story or the coolest Tinder profile.

When it comes to sex and relationships, I have felt the pressure from my male friends to prove my masculinity through sex or aggressive sexual behavior aimed at women. Being a man has nothing to do with how many women you can have sex with. Being a man is about treating people with respect, it’s about keeping the people around you safe, whether you like them or not.

Instances of sexual assault increase when alcohol is involved. Once someone is drunk, they can not legally consent to having sex. It is part of your duty as a human being to care for someone when they are drunk, not take advantage of them.

Alcohol consumption is no excuse for rape. Guys, it’s on you to understand how drunk you are and how drunk your partner is, if you aren’t sure, don’t do it.

As the Daily’s series on sexual assault goes on, take the time to read the very real stories that people have. Know that you can do something to stop stories like that from happening.

Sexual assault happens to people of every sexual orientation and gender, every race and age, and it’s on all of us to protect each other.