Letter: Be consistent with your call for diversity

This letter is in response to the editorial “Illegalize Conversion Therapy” and the constant stream of editorials bashing Christians while claiming diversity and inclusion needs a response!

It is astonishing as to the complete ignorance of some people in regard to the beliefs of almost half of the U.S. population. We are constantly preached at about “diversity” and not “discriminating” as long as Christians and conservatives are not included in these discussions.

Why is that? Is it because Christians are called to serve the poor and marginalized? Is it because we are at the forefront in the struggle to end human trafficking/sex slavery? Is it because we stand against a culture that has reduced sexuality to a commodity rather than what God has intended it to be, between a man and a woman united in marriage for life?

Could it be that we stand for the most vulnerable in our society, which includes the unborn and fight against a culture that denies an unborn child its basic human right to life? Is it because we believe that there is absolute truth and that there is only one way to have eternal life and that is through Jesus Christ alone?

I believe that the last three questions are issues that most people have against Christians. As someone who has experienced freedom from depression, anxiety and brokenness because of what Jesus has done, I stand by those statements.

While we stand for these principles, we face ridicule and discrimination for it, often from those who claim to be against bigotry and discrimination. During my time at Iowa State, I witnessed a group of atheists and members of the LGBT community try to prevent the Family Leader from being allowed to hold their annual summit in Ames all because they don’t agree with our stance on marriage and sexuality.

During my time on Student Government, an attempt was made to deny club funding to all Christian organizations for the same reason.

Already, Christian clubs have to go through loops and hurdles to run their clubs according to their beliefs. This is referring to the “All Comers policy” that prohibits organizations from restricting their leadership to those who share their beliefs.

While I don’t agree with “Forced Conversion Therapy,” and neither do most Christians who I know, I do know that for anyone who wants freedom from any addiction, lifestyle, emotions, thoughts and behaviors that keep us from experiencing the life that we were created for, there is a deliverer!

However, people are free to choose! It’s time to stop being hypocritical. If we call for banning “Conversion Therapy,” then we need to call for banning the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) from having access to our K-12 schools. We should call for a ban on all mandatory diversity trainings on campus and in the workplace. Let’s be consistent with our call for diversity. Either it includes diversity of thought or it needs to be called what it is, a complete farcical attempt to indoctrinate and force your opinions down our throats through the threat of the state instead of the persuasion of reasoning.