Letter: LUCHA brands own ‘blatantly wrong rhetoric’

In a recent letter to the editor, Latinos United for a Change (LUCHA) remarked that it is “reckless and dangerous” to publish “blatantly wrong rhetoric.” If the Daily’s publishers are taking this to heart, they might have done well to examine the same letter under this consideration.

In a 90 percent white state, LUCHA finds it very wrong that white people are more likely to obtain merit-based scholarships. I wonder if there’s an organization for left-handed people somewhere with similar objections against right-handed people. Further, they find it odd that hair salons and grocery stores cater more to a demographic that is almost an order of magnitude larger than all others combined. The department of sociology should seek an economics professor to untangle this mystery for its students.

Perhaps LUCHA’s most noticeably wrong rhetoric is the complaint that the standard language in a country founded by English people is English. Ignoring the sheer stupidity of thinking an entire country should suddenly become bilingual after 240 years for their convenience, I find it stunning they list this as an example of white privilege.

Considering the language most Latinos speak originates in Europe, I would have expected LUCHA to remember the French, German, Irish, Italian, Greek, Russian, Scandinavian and other immigrants with no native connection to English who worked to improve their lot in life without expecting locals to pick up a new language for their sake.

None of this is to deny that Latinos face hardships. Of course we realize that assimilation is difficult in all areas of one’s life. But to suggest that whites are blind to their problems won’t win them the allies they seek.