Student government discusses discrimination, Election Code

Caitlin Yamada/ Iowa State Daily

Business Senator Joshua Hanyang and CPC Senator Morgan Fritz during the Sept. 18 student government meeting.

Cassie Lehmann

At Wednesday night’s meeting, Student Government analyzed a bill that focused on discrimination on campus, discussed the Election Code and reviewed a funding bill.

Senator Hanyang introduced a bill that touched base on recent cases regarding discrimination on campus for himself, Senator Searles, Senator Sumael, Senator Zastrow and Director of Diversity and Inclusion Hoffman.

Previously known as “Addressing Student Demands of Action to Prevent the Spread of Racism and Antisemitism on Campus,” the bill was changed to “Addressing Student Demands of Action to Prevent the Spread of Bigotry Against Protected Classes on Campus” to allow for more inclusive speech.

In Student Government’s meeting last week, the bill was tabled due to revisions being made and the appearance of three Iowa State students who said they were targeted by death threats on the Iowa State Reddit page.

This week, the bill was brought back with an updated version.

The bill recommends that the university issues communication with the status of investigations in a timely manner, limits chalking on campus, implements a policy that disallows messages that violate the University’s Code of Conduct along with other suggestions. 

The bill was approved with unanimous consent.  

Student Government also looked into the Election Code bill for the 2020 election cycle.

“The purpose of the code is to serve as a guide for the Election Commission and to outline procedures for operating the Student Government elections,” according to the document. “The Election Commission seeks to ensure that elections are; democratic, fair and equal opportunity.”

Senate had debate on the bill that covered election laws, petitions and ballots, endorsements and campaigning, along with other similar topics. 

After moving to recess 25 minutes, the Senate reconvened with numerous amendments and changes made to the bill.

The bill passed with a vote of 25-0-4. 

Statements of intent for executive positions are due at 5 p.m Jan. 17. and senatorial seats are due at 5 p.m. on February 14.

Currently, the campaign start date is set for 7 a.m. February 1, and the election will be held March 3 through March 4.

Additionally, the National Society of Black Engineers requested funds from Student Government.

The National Society of Black Engineers is an organization that promotes underrepresented and multicultural students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The group requested $296.32 from the Senate Discretionary account to travel to a national conference and competition in San Antonio, Texas.

The bill was approved with unanimous consent. 

For more information or to contact your senator, visit The senate meetings are open to the public at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.