Letter: Iowa State needs smarter students, not smarter crosswalks
Charlie Coffey/Iowa State Daily
ped safety
March 29, 2016
I have crossed Lincoln Way and Lynn Avenue across from the Memorial Union to walk to campus numerous times a day for the past three years. I have never felt endangered for my safety. However, I have seen other people’s lives endangered too many times.
Pedestrians risk their own lives and the cars they are about to run into. With a red light in front of them, students see an opening in traffic. Students dodge cars to stand on a two-foot median (otherwise known as a curb) in the middle of the road while waiting for the other side to open up. Approaching cars slam on their breaks as they are alarmed by pedestrians standing on the two-foot median. Drivers question whether pedestrians will continue walking and run into them or wait until traffic clears to cross on the one side.
In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it is sad that students cannot wait an extra 20 seconds for the crosswalk light to turn, indicating they can cross the street. Instead, students opt to stand in the middle of traffic while one way is open to cross.
This week the Ames City Council approved $100,886 to collect data and “identify and evaluate traffic operations” crossing the Lincoln Way stretch between University Boulevard and Sheldon Avenue — all of the streets that cross onto campus. It doesn’t take an expert, consulting agency or six figures to see the problem with crossing the street on Lincoln Way. Unaware pedestrians are the problem, not crosswalks, not bikers and not even cars.
Cars can’t advance through red lights. What allows pedestrians to walk through red flashing “don’t walk” indicators? Police need to enforce pedestrian “don’t walk” signs on Lincoln Way to improve safety.
Frogger was fun … in third grade … on the PlayStation 1.
Protect yourself. Wait to walk.