Letter: Trump in office is safer than Pence
Olivia Benjamin/ Iowa State Daily
Vice President Mike Pence speaks on the USMCA on Oct. 9 in Waukee.
November 10, 2019
I find myself in an uncomfortable position to be in.
If you are concerned, worried, fearful and scared of the secret right-wing conspiracy to abolish all of the federal government social programs that help people— you have to worry about who the Republican President will be now and in the future. If s/he agrees with these extreme conservatives, the lower and middle classes will be at-risk and in danger.
As much as I dislike him, Trump is really not one of them. He has no political beliefs, theory, philosophy or ideology that he believes in. But they do.
Pence does. He is an extreme conservative. It is actually safer for the lower and middle classes to have Trump in office and to be the Republican nominee in 2020 than a real social Darwinist like Pence.
And it bothers me that a lot of national Democrats don’t seem to care about this right-wing conspiracy because they are financially well-off and will never need any help from these social programs while the rest of us do and will.
Yet Trump has already ruined our country with his hateful-talk, and I believe that it is too late for it to ever be repaired. The war between Republicans and Democrats will never soften, and we will always see and treat each other as “the enemy.”
We will never achieve what Robert Kennedy hoped for when he said that “Our goal and task must be to tame the savageness of humankind and make gentle the life of this world.”
This is very troubling. At this point, we need a hero.