Bring gym home to you

Hannah Dodds

The life of a college student can be stressful and busy, not leaving much time for long and strenuous workouts at the gym. Try these moves in the comfort of your room for a quick picker upper in the morning or afternoon and you’ll be left feeling rejuvenated and ready for your day.

Cardio: jumping jacks, high knees

Legs: dumbbell deadlifts, squats, butt pulses, split lunge jumps

Abs: 30-second plank, cross sit-ups, alternating leg raises

Arms: arm circles, outward arm raises, behind the head pulses, forward arm raises

Finish your workout with another quick cardio circuit. 

Remember, these workouts are meant to be room friendly. So feel free to substitute weights with anything you can find on your desk or in your closet.

Check out the Iowa State Daily website for a quick video mashup of the best quick and simple workouts you can do in your dorm room or apartment.