Letter: Reece, Button best for the job

Charlie Coffey/Iowa State Daily

Cole Button and Zackary Reece.

I have known Zack Reece and Cole Button for a little over a year now through Student Government, and I firmly believe they are the best candidates for president and vice president. Not only do they listen to their constituents’ needs, but they also work hard to push important campus initiatives. Both truly care about the Iowa State community and can achieve great success if elected.

I find their platform to be ambitious but still reasonable, unlike other candidates’ goals. Improved health, safety and comfort are ideas all Iowa State students can rally behind to create positive change in our university. Zack and Cole would be great leaders to see these goals accomplished.

With all that said, I am in full support of Zack Reece and Cole Button for Student Government president and vice president, and I know they can lead this campus to a brighter future (pun intended — they will push for more campus lighting).