Concert Review: The Ready Set

Andi Schieszler

Ready. Set. Go. Run to find any ticket you can for any upcoming concert featuring The Ready Set.

The Ready Set performed a set so filled with energy it was unmatched to most concerts, especially ones in a venue as small as the Maintenance Shop.

Between lead man Jordan Witzigreuter running around on stage, his lime green hair shaking around with every step, and the completely on-key melodies that were flowing from the speakers, The Ready Set has the crowd dancing to the music.

Even if someone were not a fan of the electro-pop genre, they would definitely still enjoy themselves a Ready Set show. Maybe it’s the way the every musician on stage seems to unquestionably interact and connect with the music or the way that they are able to get the crowd to sing every lyric they know back. Regardless, The Ready Set knows how to engage a crowd and share their music in a way that often gets forgotten.

After seeing so many shows that all feel the same, its nice to finally be able to see a band whose music is like a sirens call. Every single musician on the stage truly looked and played like that music was his entire life. Even though Witzigreuter founded The Ready Set, he never tried to act like the music and stage was his own.

The Ready Set was able to mix both older songs like “Love like Woe,” and tracks from their newer albums into a cohesive set list. It is no wonder that the Maintenance Shop was packed with fans that sang along every lyric and danced with every beat.

Following the show every band member took time to greet fans, sign posters and take what seemed like an endless amount of pictures for whoever wanted them, all while never once seeming to be disgruntled. Most fans wanted selfies with their favorite band member.

Supporting act Halfloves opened the show with an acoustic set. Unfortunately only two of the four members of the band were able to perform due to a miscommunication between the band and Maintenance Shop.

While it was difficult to get a full read on their music, due to the band’s missing members, the two men who took the stage, each with a guitar, seemed to be completely consumed by their music. Hopefully next time Halfloves visits Ames, their entire band will be there so everyone can hear their real sound.

While there were no more than 200 people attending The Ready Set show, every single person seemed to be absorbed by their music.

The overall show was energetic and left fans craving for The Ready Set to come back soon. 

For more information on The Ready Set and to view a list of their upcoming shows, visit