Your day’s briefing: Monday, Feb. 29

MU Feasibility

Thanks to a movement backed by students to create a living memorial for Cyclones who fought and died in World War I, the Memorial Union opened in 1928. Since that year, the MU has evolved to become a central part of campus, and a hub of student activity. To see the details regarding the renovations being done inside the MU view the full story here.

Iowa Employment

A study by Forbes found that Ames currently has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. At the time of the measurement in December 2015, just 2.2 percent of the workforce in Ames was out of work and seeking employment. To learn how the Ames community keeps such a low unemployment view the full story here. 

Mental Health Budget

Currently, the mental health resources across Iowa’s public universities are suffering from underfunding, causing some to say they are inadequate. Student leaders from Iowa’s public universities gathered in Des Moines on Feb. 16 for the annual Board of Regent’s Day at the capitol, and for some, mental health was the paramount issue. To learn what there doing to help the funding for mental health view the full story here.