Your day’s briefing: Monday, Feb. 22

Engineers Week

Its Engineers’ Week here on campus. The Executive Committee for this year’s Engineers’ Week, also known as “E-Week,” wants to help engineers all over campus celebrate what it means to be an engineer. To learn more about whats planned for this week view the full story here.


The 85th Annual Varieties Talent Competition “Let the Beat Rock,” this weekend, put on by the Student Union Board with the pairing Two Hearts Beat as One winning best overall performance. To see all the details from this weekend view the full story here.

Bessey Hall

With the rapid growth Iowa State is currently experiencing, changes are being made around campus to accommodate not only students but also professors. To see all the details of the Bessey Hall reconstruction view the full story here.

Nursing Homes

Senior citizens fear nursing homes more than death, according to The EAR Foundation. Learn what Iowa State Student Maddy Beiwel has to say about the concerns of abuse within nursing homes. View the full story here.