Ways to keep your resolution

Ways to keep your resolution

Ways to keep your resolution

Casey Laktas

The first of January is here and that means, for some, New Year’s resolutions. Everybody has mixed feelings about resolutions, some of us are excited to start them and others not so much. Either way keeping your resolution isn’t always the easiest and can make us feel worse in the end. To help you stay on track this year here are a few tips to help ensure your resolution throughout the year.

1. Instead of having many resolutions try sticking with one or two. It can be hard to try for more and if you break for one you might feel discouraged and decide you don’t want to do any. Focusing on one can help you stay on track and feeling motivated, especially when you see results.

2. There are 365 days in the year, meaning that is a lot of time for your resolution. Starting small can make the year seem not so long. For example, instead of making it your goal to lose a certain amount of weight, make it your goal to workout for the entire month. That way you won’t feel pressured and it will become apart of your daily routine.

3. Depending on your resolution it can be hard to plan it out, but if possible it will make your life easier. When planning it out you can see what you have to do and when you have to do it, making you more willing to do follow through.

4. It can be hard to motivate yourself so to help talking your plan through with someone is a good idea. Or you can also find someone who has the same resolution as you and help each other through the process. This will give you better motivation and can even make it more fun if you have a partner.

5. The easiest thing you can do is reward yourself. After a certain amount of weeks completing your resolution give yourself an award that will keep you wanting to do it. Do something that you have been meaning to do for a while or something that you wouldn’t do normally. Also only do this reward when you have stayed on track that way, besides the satisfaction of sticking to your resolution, you have something to look forward to.