Letter to the Editor: to Ernst and Grassley

Dear Senator Ernst and Senator Grassley:

This is to request that you co-sponsor Senate Resolution 199. S. Res. 199 requests the Senate to debate, across-the-aisle, and adopt policy solutions in resolving to: 1) balance the Federal budget by 2030, 2) secure Medicare & Social Security for the next 75 years, 3) make the United States energy secure by 2024, and 4) create 25 million new jobs over the next 10 years.

As you well know, Iowa Congressmen Young, Blum and Loebsack have co-sponsored House Resolution 207, the No Labels National Strategic Agenda companion to S. Res. 199. If S. Res. 199 and H. Res. 207 were to be passed, it would represent the first time Congress has adopted a specific bipartisan methodology for solving the nation’s most core crucial problems.

Just like President Ronald Reagan & House Speaker Tip O’Neill worked across party lines in 1980 to reform the tax code & protect Social Security, and President Bill Clinton & House Speaker Newt Gingrich put aside differences in the 1990’s to balance the budget in four consecutive years, we expect you two to demonstrate to Iowans and the nation your problem-solving bipartisan leadership capability.

A super majority of Republicans, Democrats and independents support the bipartisan resolution of these four problems that, left unresolved, threaten the future prosperity and security of our nation.

We look forward to your explicit support of S. Res. 199. Thank you for representing Iowa’s proud 3.1 million citizens and working on behalf of 318 million Americans.