Student Government to discuss election bylaws, funding

Zach Clemens

Student Government will vote on amendments to election bylaws and the election code, as well as discuss funding for different student organizations at its regular meeting Wednesday night.

A resolution will be voted on to change a number of bylaws, including changing the number of members on the election commission from 10 to no less than eight but no more than 12 members. If the changes are approved, the election commissioner will now assume the duties to investigate all claims of election fraud, which is currently the responsibility of the vice commissioner.

The vice commissioner would then be responsible for the advertisement and promotion of all Student Government elections, and this would include working with the public relations committee as well as figuring out budgets for that promotion.

A change to the election code will also be up for a vote, which would alter the language to reflect the name change from Government of the Student Body to Student Government.

Student Government will consider modifying the Campustown constituency to a sub constituency of United Residents of Off-Campus. This would allow students from Campustown who are interested in serving, but have no available spots, to be able to serve through United Residents of Off-Campus.

A bill to consider expanding the free-speech zones on campus will be read. This would allow organizations that are connected to Iowa State to be able to host protests or events on the grassy area around the Campanile as long as it is at least 100 feet from buildings and does not impede foot traffic.

Groups that are not connected to Iowa State would still be able to protest in the current free-speech zones.

Multiple student organizations, including the ISU Golf Club, Cuffs, Airsoft Club and Colleges Against Cancer are requesting funding for various events the clubs plan to attend or organize. These funding bills will be read Wednesday and voted on next week.