Makeup tips for glasses wearers

Katy Klopfenstein/Iowa State Daily

When applying makeup, students who wear glasses should consider the size and color of the frames. Curling eyelashes is also beneficial to avoid having them brush against the lens. 

Jessica Jensen

For those of us who were not blessed with 20/20 vision, glasses and contacts are a normal part of the everyday routine. But, it may be time to forget the contacts and wear the frames, because with the right makeup application, glasses can be rocked every day of the week.

A myth among glasses wearers is that foundation and concealer isn’t needed because frames cover any discoloration. But, when wearing glasses, foundation is even more important. Frames actually bring out the discoloration under eyes, so be sure to apply an eye-brightening concealer.

When applying eyeliner, keep in mind the thickness of the frames. If the frames are thick, apply a thick layer of eyeliner. As the frame width decreases, so will the amount of liner needed. Use black or brown eyeliner that will define the shape of the eye.

For those who wear glasses, it is recommended to apply neutral shadows with a slight shimmer, as this will prevent the eyes from looking too heavy. Light tans and pinks are great colors to highlight eyes. To add a bold pop of color, choose a bright lipstick to add drama to an overall look.

Next, invest in an eyelash curler. Curling the lashes will prevent them from rubbing up against the lenses. After curling lashes, apply mascara. When wearing glasses, it is important to wear mascara in moderation. The first step when applying mascara is to apply the base coat, starting from the base of the lashes to the tip, applying about one or two coats. The third coat of mascara should focus on the root of the lashes. It is important to apply lightly on the tips of the lashes, as this will help keep the eyelashes curled and prevent them from rubbing against lenses throughout the day.

Lastly, don’t forget the brows. Dark brows are growing in popularity, so don’t let frames discourage you from embracing the trend. Give them a quick brush and keep them looking refined and finished by applying clear or colored brow mascara.