How to Maintain a Good Relationship with your Neighbors


Communication is Key

The biggest tip that Susan Lammers gives to CA’s and RA’s and people who are new to apartments on campus is that communication is key. Lammers who is the Manager of Community Services at Iowa State, said that “a lot of the situations and problems that community advisors deal with, usually revolve around a breakdown in communication”. Talking to your neighbor directly about problems you may have, can solve a lot of the issues.

Develop a relationship

Getting to know your neighbors right away can prove to be beneficial in maintaining a good neighboring relationship. Lammers said “when neighbors make that initial contact, it’s easier to address problems in the future because you’ve already had previous interactions”

Talk about incidents as they occur or after

The biggest issue that most neighbors complain about is noise. A couple of ways to discuss this with your neighbors is by talking to them while it is happening. Brittney Rutherford, the Marketing Coordinator for Iowa State Department of Residence and ISU Dining, said “going over and asking my neighbors directly, to turn the music down was the best way to handle it”.

Take advantage of opportunities while still living in the dorm

Utilizing the community advisors and the professional residence staff is another tool that will be useful to a good neighbor relationship even before you’re in an apartment. Rutherford said “the residence halls are excellent starting points for people, because it gives the students access to staff to help them become easier at discussing problems”