Ride across Iowa in a day

Jessica Jensen

Jeff Robson, junior in kinesiology and health, is a cycling enthusiast who loves a physical challenge. In 2014, Robson raised a total of $6,323 dollars for the Ulman Cancer Fund, which donates all proceeds to young adults battling cancer. Raising these funds allowed Robson to participate in the 4K for Cancer, riding his bike 4,000 miles across the United States in just 70 days.

Robson will continue his love for cycling and raising awareness by participating in Ride Across Iowa in a Day (RAID). Robson said his main reason for taking part in the ride is to continue raising cancer awareness in young adults. Before his ride begins on October 3rd, Robson has a goal of raising $335 dollars, one dollar per mile of the ride. He will donate all money raised to The Ulman Cancer Fund.

“Young adults battling cancer are given less attention than other age groups due to financial issues,” Robson said. “Young adults are the only age group that has not seen a significant increase in survival rates over the past 30 years.”

The bikers will begin the 335-mile journey on the west side of the state in Sioux City. The riders will start at 4 a.m., with the goal of arriving in Dubuque by midnight. In order to finish the ride on time, RAID participants must keep a speed of at least 14 mph.

“The maximum ride time is 24 hours, but my goal is to finish the ride in about 18 hours,” Robson said. “I expect getting through the central 200 miles of Iowa to be the most difficult. This part may not be as hilly as the east and west borders of the state; however, I won’t have as much adrenaline or excitement to push me through like I will have when I first start and when approaching the finish line.”

Since the first established RAID’s ride in 2011, a total of 21 RAID participants have officially finished the full ride across Iowa. This year’s ride has a total of 16 cyclists signed up, including Robson.

Each rider is required to have a support vehicle that will follow them throughout their bike ride, providing water and food throughout the day. RAID will supply five official rest stops along the route. All cyclists are required to follow Iowa traffic laws and wear a helmet.