How to battle post-workout hair

Janae Verhelst By

Determining the best time to work out during a busy day is a struggle for many students. If women have showered recently, it’s difficult to go to the gym without leaving angry about their ruined hair.

Tricks for post-workout hair that don’t involve a shower and shampoo

Although it may seem obvious, try spritzing a little dry shampoo while your hair is still damp. This will prevent the production of oils and keep hair from quickly getting greasy.

If the dry shampoo is nowhere to be seen, try blow-drying sweaty hair after completing a workout. Despite what many people think, the heat from the blowdryer actually helps remove the sweat.

To spice up a regular ponytail, try putting it in a braided bun. Braiding with damp hair is much easier and will create long lasting waves once it’s removed. 

The staple top knot is also a go-to for many women after a long workout. Pull hair into a high pony, split the pony at the top, wrap around the elastic and secure it with several bobby pins.

“Getting sweaty doesn’t come into play when I am trying to find time to fit a workout in,” said Lauren Grant, senior in culinary science. “These days, it’s just about trying to get it done during the day.” “When I do workout right before class and my hair is damp, I quickly blow-dry it and spritz it with some hair-spray. I then pull it up into a high, messy ponytail.”

No matter how students choose to style their hair after a workout, don’t let the stress from unkempt hair stop you from working in a quick workout before class.