The hug felt ’round the world
Sophomore Amanda Nerem and junior Alec Norem attempting to break the world record for the longest time spent hugging. The couple ended up beating the current record of 27 hours, by hugging for 32 hours. They started Sep. 18, and ended at 1:00am on Sep. 20.
September 20, 2015
A test of true friendship was brought to the steps of Park Library on Friday between two life-long friends. Personal space issues were not a concern for Alec Norem, sophomore in advertising, and Amanda Nerem, sophomore in kinesiology, as they attempted to beat the world record for longest hug.
The two have been friends since 5th grade and wanted to create a remarkable memory during their time at Iowa State.
“It all started by jump roping and I was like, ‘I’m going to beat the record for jump roping,’” Nerem said.
The two decided to research about all the records they could possibly beat and came across the longest hug.
“We were just bored this summer in the beginning,” Nerem said.
The current Guinness World Record for the longest hug is just over 26 hours. In order to beat the record, Nerem and Norem needed to maintain their hugging position as long as possible. They are not allowed to change their hugging position nor sleep during the time they are hugging. The huggers receive breaks every hour to use the bathroom and eat.
But when Parks Library closed, they had to develop a strategic plan for ways to use the bathroom, so they built their own restroom using a gallon container.
Nerem and Norem need evidence to prove to Guinness that they beat the record by four hours. The two had friends on rotation for observations and a recording that will be sent to Guinness for judging.