7 life lessons you will learn in college.
7 life lessons you will learn in college
September 21, 2015
Obviously, college is a time when you grow exponentially as a person. You will learn everything from time management to advocating for yourself. You make lifelong friends and gain knowledge to help you achieve your career goals. It’s labeled the best time of your life for a reason. Except, there’s much more to college that people don’t jump to explaining. Becoming more responsible for yourself is critical, but here are seven lessons you learn while in college:
- You aren’t the weirdest one. You will meet the oddest characters during your time in college, but that’s ok. We’re all weird.
- Unconsciously knowing exactly where your ID is at all times. Because you know you have to constantly swipe that card for anything. Want food? Need your ID. Want to get into your residence hall after 11? Definitely need your ID. Want to ride the bus off campus? Need your ID.
- Taking advantage of those 14 minutes between class to nap. You got barely any sleep last night and all you want is to catch a few Z’s. When you have twenty minutes until your next class, you know what to do.
- Making 10 dollars stretch. You spent all your money last weekend and just once you want a burrito after a long day. Go grab your coupon.
- Cooking a better-than-cafeteria-food meal in your dorm. Cooking honey-glazed salmon in your toaster oven is a thing? Yes it is.
- Communication is key. Don’t you dare test your CA or roommate. Nothing good can come from that. Be an adult and use your words.
- Picking up on hints. Your CA leaving a note that lightly hints to keep a certain door closed doesn’t mean they kind of care about it, do it. Roommates can also be hard to handle, and when you’re not sure what is going on, take a step back and examine the situation.