Letter: Rachel Junck is what City Council needs
Ames City Council members sit in at their meeting April 23.
October 29, 2019
It was mid-June when Rachel Junck first reached out to me to talk about her candidacy. Surprisingly, this conversation never turned into a discussion on Rachel’s unique qualities as a candidate or her amazing platform. More than anything, she just wanted to know what I thought about the city of Ames and how our city could better serve us. That’s the type of leadership students need on council and that’s why I am proud to endorse Rachel Junck to be our next councilor for Ward Four of Ames.
As a former student body vice president of Iowa State as well as current board president for CyRide, I know the value and importance of not only having a voice at the table but a vote as well. That represents the difference between just being listened to and action being taken on an issue.
This is why I believe it is so incredibly important that we elect Rachel. She is an engineering student, sorority member and long-time Ames resident, which fits perfectly with the ward she aspires to represent. The ward is composed, in part, by most student dorms, a large portion of off-campus student apartments and Greekland. If her qualities are not enough, one need only to look at her community work. From volunteerism to activism, Rachel Junck has proven her commitment to the community, both student and non-student alike.
There are many other great reasons others are choosing to vote for Rachel; her innovative campaign, the potential history made if elected, etc.
Further, I encourage everybody to go to rachelforames.com and read her background, as well as ideas she has for the city because I’m sure you’ll arrive to the same conclusion I did — that Rachel Junck is the best candidate for council. On Nov. 5, I hope you join me in voting for Rachel Junck for Ames City Council.