Student Government funds Student Education Loan Office
Schuyler Smith/Iowa State Daily
The Student Loan Education Office helps ISU students manage the amount of debt from loans.
August 27, 2015
With a vote of 32 to 0 during their Wednesday meeting, the Student Government Senate passed a bill that funded $116,821.87 to the Student Loan Education Office.
The bill, which was waved through readings and immediately into a discussion and vote, provided funding for the Student Loan Education Office on campus. The office provides information and services on all things loan related for students at ISU, due to the increasing student debt in the country.
Speaker of the Senate Ben Crawford said the office was funded last year and previous administration wanted to create a three year contract.
However, President Dan Breitbarth said the order to fund the office was missed sometime in the transition period from last year to this year.
“University put us between a rock and a hard place because of their lack of efficiency fell until the middle of the summer,” Breitbarth said.
Breitbarth said he had been notified of the situation on June 30. Despite this, the office was operational and will continue to do so as the semester begins.
The funding toward the education office also included funding employee salaries. Breitbarth said the bill was urgent, because people were relying on that as their livelihood.
“Over the next month and a half, we’ll be working diligently to figure out long-term plans,” Breitbarth said. “We’re student senators discussing this and as students, should we really fund people’s livelihoods?”
Sen. Danielle Nygard expressed concern regarding why the bill hadn’t gone through finance committee.
“I would love to have finance committee to give an official recommendation on this,” Nygard said.
Vice-Speaker Michael Snook said this had been discussed by finance committee previously.
“My understanding, we did account for this amount of money in the recurring obligations account,” Snook said. “There’s no need to go through finance committee.”
The senate discussed an amendment to the constitution, which states “The president of Iowa State University shall have the power to confirm Supreme Court nominees.”
Currently, the president of Student Government appoints a member of the Supreme Court and the senate approves the nomination. The president of the university also has the power to approve the appointing of a justice. However, if passed by senators, the bill will remove the president’s power to do so.
Sen. Cole Button, who authored the bill, said this amendment would ensure only the senate can confirm nominees.
For the first senate meeting of the 2015 fall semester, Student Government confirmed a member of the executive cabinet for the coming year.
Logan Halverson was nominated by Breitbarth and Vice-President Megan Sweere as the chief of staff of the executive cabinet.
“We think he’ll run our cabinet really well,” Breitbarth said. “Megan and I have the upmost confidence in him.”
Taylor Finn was also approved by the senate as an at-large member of the finance committee. Finance director Hamad Abbas said they need four-at-large seats in the finance committee and Finn was a great candidate for the position.