Letter: Rachel Junck’s ambition earned her my vote

Residents of Ames gather Sept. 25, 2018, at City Hall.

Abigail Meehan

With the City Council elections right around the corner, I had to share to express my support for my friend and fellow Iowa State student Rachel Junck.

Born and raised here in Ames, Rachel has always worked to make it a warm and welcoming place for others. Whether it be volunteering with elementary kids or helping clean up parks in our city, Rachel has spent her life giving back to the community she loves so much.

As a city that derives approximately half its residents from Iowa State students, we are a vital part of the community and deserve to be represented as such. Rachel understands the real issues affecting students and our community, from sometimes unfair rental treatment and lack of affordable housing to climate change.

Her ambition to combat the climate crisis is one of the biggest reasons I’m so committed to voting for Rachel.

Climate change is a serious issue affecting us all on a local level, and Rachel is the candidate ready to tackle that issue head-on. No more excuses, no more short-term solutions.

Ames needs to adopt a comprehensive plan of action and do our part to prevent the otherwise inevitable degeneration of our planet. With a background in studying as a chemical engineer and a history of climate activism and volunteerism, I think Rachel is the best candidate for the job. For me, it’s climate change, but everybody has an issue that is important to them and Rachel is here to represent us all.

No vote is too small or unimportant, so come Nov. 5; I hope you will vote for Rachel Junck for City Council.