Rules of riding a bike on campus
Jessica Darland/Iowa State Daily
Students had the opportunity to receive free bike tune-ups during Sustainability Day on Oct. 22, 2014 in front of the library.
August 17, 2015
Students who plan to ride a bike to class need to follow some basic rules to prevent injuring themselves and others.
One of the first things students must do is register their bicycles with Iowa State. Registered bikes will be issued a bicycle identification sticker, which must be placed on the bike.
Bikers should stay on designated bike paths.
“Bikes are really not allowed on sidewalks,” said Lt. Steve Hasstedt of the ISU Police Department. “They are to use designated bike paths for the roads. If they are on the road, they are to follow all traffic laws just like a car does.”
Besides following regular traffic laws, bikers should also use hand signals when turning and stopping, Hasstedt said.
If riding in the evening, students need to wear brighter clothing to help visibility.
If a student must ride on the sidewalk, make sure to use proper biking etiquette.
“If they do ride on the sidewalk, proper etiquette would be to let the people know you’re there when you’re coming up behind them,” Hasstedt said.
Say “On your left” or “On your right, when passing pedestrians on the sidewalk. Speak loud enough so they can hear and give them enough time to react, he said.
Don’t speed down the sidewalks.
Go at a nice pace, so bikers don’t cause problems. Also, be cordial to the pedestrians who are sharing the sidewalk.
Park bikes in the provided racks.
According to the ISU Parking Division’s website, bikes are not allowed to be parked on lawns and sidewalks or chained to any object other than bicycle racks. They are also not allowed to be parked on disability access ramps.
Bicycles are not allowed in any building except for buildings authorized by ISU Police.
Iowa State may impound improperly parked bicycles or bicycles that have been considered abandoned and will cut and remove a locking device if needed.