Letter: Students restricted from expressing conservative ideologies on campus

Ron Eklund

Dick Haws’ attack on Coach Prohm because he does not share Haw’s religion (atheism) is another example of why most Iowans are questioning why they should support Iowa’s public universities and colleges.

Students coming from Iowa’s traditional homes are now subject to overwhelming and constant attacks on their values by faculties that belittle them in class if they express belief in God or any conservative opinions.

Numerous studies have proven that campuses around the country oppose any expression that questions the ideology of the far left. Speakers are not allowed to speak or are driven from the campus. Students have to ‘tailor’ their test answers and papers to reflect the instructors’ biases in order to get a good grade.

The situation has gotten so bad that anyone not expounding the radical liberal philosophy cannot get tenure or become department chairs or become presidents.

Haws is (in his mind) celebrating a great victory implying that because of him, ISU President Steven Leath directed Athletic Director Jamie Pollard to “talk to” Prohm (Haws wants to leave the implication that Prohm has been duly chastised). Iowa State has now been “saved” from the evils of Christianity.

If Leath has in fact told Prohm he can’t express his own views then Iowans need to insist that he talk to every professor (and coach) and tell them to stop inflicting their atheism and radical left wing biases on their captive audiences. It would be interesting to monitor Haws’ classes or query his students, since it is doubtful he can control expressing himself on his religion (atheism).

Another flaw in Haws’s arguments is that unlike tenured professors who have jobs for life and are not subject to evaluation for competence or teaching ability, coaches are subject to constant evaluation by everyone. Because of the overwhelming pressure to win, coaches play their best players regardless of the players’ personal beliefs.

Every totalitarian government in history has made sure that its first priority is to control the education of the young. Whether we are talking about the Nazis or the Communists the approach is the same, control what people are told.

Haws is a cliché for the evils described above.

I will ask Governor Branstad and the Board of Regents to query this attempt to restrict freedom of speech.