Summer enrollment sets another record
Matthew Rezab/Iowa State Daily
Iowa State now boasts a total of 11,636 students enrolled in summer classes, up from 11,530 in 2014. Summer enrollment has increased each year since 2008.
July 6, 2015
Another semester … another record.
Summer enrollment at Iowa State once again reached an all-time high in 2015 with a total of 11,636 students taking courses. Summer semester 2014 broke the record as well with 11,530 students, 106 less than this year.
While on-campus enrollment actually decreased by 100 students, the number of off-campus students increased by 206. A total of 2,751 students enrolled in online courses or off-campus face-to-face classes last summer. That number has jumped to 2,957 this year.
Summer enrollment has risen each year since 2008.
“Students are very comfortable and interested in learning in different ways, and we want to be able to offer classes to students in person, online or in a blended way, in whatever way best fits the material and the student’s learning style,” said Jonathan Wickert, senior vice president and provost. “We are seeing what is part of a national trend, and that is increasing student interest in online instruction.”
With the influx of enrollment, the university is making strides to accommodate students. One way it plans to provide for the rise in students is through the hiring of more than 100 new faculty this year, Wickert said.
Offering online courses and adding or renovating classrooms are other ways Iowa State plans to accommodate students. Iowa State also has a Course Availability Group, which meets throughout the year to look at demand for courses.
“Another way that we are meeting the demand is by adding additional space on campus. For instance, the new Ag and Biosystems, the engineering building that we opened this past year [and] the bio-sciences project that’s coming forward. Those are all ways that we add space to campus,” Wickert said. “We are also in the process of a plan to upgrade classrooms across campus. Our first project will be over at Pearson Hall.”
Just as the summer has brought an increase in students, this fall is expected to bring high numbers as well.
“We are seeing strong application numbers and strong numbers through orientation this June,” said Director of Admissions Katharine Suski. “We expect a strong freshman class, but until we get a little bit closer, we won’t know exactly where that’s going to end up.”
Wickert said the university performs an official count for enrollment on the 10th day of classes.
“We think enrollment will be up again this fall. By exactly how much, we don’t know yet,” he said. “Right now we are going through orientation for new students and we are seeing a great turn out there, and we also know that retention and success of students on campus is improving.”
With the records being broke for seven consecutive summers and with the plans to accommodate new and returning students, we are sure to see Iowa State break its enrollment records in years to come.