Replacing #Hoiball and the Hoiburger
Korrie Bysted/Iowa State Daily
The Hoiburger at the Ames, IA Applebees is soon to be discontinued.
June 8, 2015
The Hoiburger has been a popular item in Ames, Iowa since June 2, 2014, when Applebee’s first introduced it. The Hoiburger has since raised $60,000 for the United Way of Story County.
#Hoiball was the hashtag used all across Cyclone Nation in reference to the style of play the ISU men’s basketball team used during games.
However, their respective times has come to a close with the departure of their namesakes, Fred Hoiberg. Iowa State has since gone trough the coaching search and named Steve Prohm as its next head coach.
Now, it’s time to name a new hashtag and a new food item for first year ISU head coach Steve Prohm.
Starting off with hashtags, the first one I’m going to propose is #ProhmsLaw.
Iowa State is primarily viewed as an engineering university and Ohm’s Law is a physics concept, so it seems to fit like a glove in that respect. The law states, V=I*R (Voltage = Current * Resistance) where as Prohm’s Law states, W=O/R (Wins = Offense / Resistance).
There are obvious differences, however, between Ohm’s Law and Prohm’s Law.
First, Ohm’s Law refers to how electricity moves through a circuit. While Prohm’s Law refers to the relationship between how his team’s offense is doing compared to how his team’s defense is doing.
Meaning, if his team scores a lot and he holds the opposing team to not a lot, the more likely his team is to win.
Another key difference is how resistance affects heat.
In Ohm’s Law the more resistance there is the more heat will be produced (that’s how heat is produced if you have an electric stove, a current is sent through the burner and it heats up).
However, in Prohm’s Law the more resistance his defense has the less the opposing team will heat up making for a lower score from the opposing team.
The final key difference is that one is completely real and the other is completely made up, you decide which (as a former mechanical engineering major I’d argue Ohm’s law is witchcraft and completely made up).
The second hashtag I will propose is #ProhmanEmpire.
This hashtag will provide people with an easy, built in, source of how to pronounce his last name, it rhymes with Rome.
Iowa State plays in the Hilton Coliseum.
#ProhmanEmpire would also help the fans feel involved because, at Iowa State, the fans believe they help will the team to victory; they would be apart of the empire of prohminence that is being established.
Lastly, given Iowa State’s recent sustained success and foundation Fred Hoiberg laid the Cyclones very well could be building an empire under Steve Prohm. Especially if he leads the Cyclones deep in the NCCA tournament.
Honorable mention:
As I mentioned previously the Hoiburger raised $60,000 for the United Way so it’d be great if this next dish could also raise money for charity.
Applebee’s was the creator of the Hoiburger so I’m going to give them first shot at what the next dish should be.
According to the Applebee’s Twitter account the Prohmolone Cheeseburger is the leader in the clubhouse.
@davephillipsict @Murph_Andy @AKAJeffBidwell We’re thinking Prohmalone Cheeseburger. What do you think? ~ ARN
— Applebee’s (@Applebees) June 8, 2015
I have to think there will be other toppings on this burger besides cheese such as bacon, lettuce, etc.
The second dish I’m going to throw into the mix is Prohmboli (like stromboli).
This is a dish that is basically a pizza with whatever toppings a person could want all rolled up in a nice, neat, package.
Steve Prohm has spent much of his life in the south, so maybe a southern spice could be added in the Prohmboli to make the dish specifically Prohm.
Honorable mentions:
Chicken Prohmesan (chicken parmesan)
Prohmato soup (tomato soup)
Prohmolone stuffed meatballs (provolone stuffed meatballs)