Summertime life hacks
June 10, 2015
Need a cool drink?
Just take an empty water bottle and fill it up so that, when it’s on its side, the water level lies just below the opening for the nozzle. Put the mostly-empty water bottle in the freezer and wait for the long ice cube to form. When you’re ready to go, simply fill the water bottle with your favorite drink. You’re all set with a cool drink full of ice.
Having a barbeque?
Condiments can be hard to handle. People get pushy, they take up too much space and it can get messy. Put all your condiments into a cupcake tin, each one taking up a circular opening. You’ll have easy access to the goods, plus the cleanup is so much easier. Not to mention the extra table space and how it looks so much prettier than oozing bottles lining your table.
Need cold drinks in a snap?
Moisten a paper towel and wrap it around your can or bottle. Put it in the freezer for 20-some minutes and you’ve got yourself a pretty cold beverage.
What if you need cold wine?
Ice cubes water wine down if you don’t drink it fast enough, and sometimes you want your wine chilled when it’s usually kept at warm temperature. Simple: throw some grapes in a container and freeze them. Plop them in your wine when you’re hankering something chillier
Hitting the beach?
If you’re going out on the sand, it can be easy for prowlers to snag your valuables, like your iPod, phone, cards or cash. Here’s a simple fix: empty a bottle of lotion that has a large, screwed-on cap. Clean out the bottle and cut an opening in the top of it just large enough to fit all your stuff. Screw on the cap and BAM, you’ve got your valuables concealed and all in one place for easy travel.
Drinking a can of soda through a straw?
So you find yourself sipping your canned beverage through a straw, for whatever reason you may be doing that. Well it’s a common burden that the straws fill with air and float as they please, often falling to the edge or out of the can. Simply bend your pop tab forward until it covers the opening of the can. Insert your straw through the top hole of the pop tab; you’ve got an easy and effective straw holder.