Funny, random 2015 yearbook quotes
May 20, 2015
Well school is over and the graduations are taking place. This being said, let’s find some academic humor via various yearbooks that feature funny text.
Courtesy of Buzzfeed, here are some of my favorite yearbook quotes.
“Don’t put anything stupid for your senior quote.” – Mom
“All pizzas are personal pizzas if you try hard enough.”
“No, I did not have a farm.” (via Joe McDonald)
“You’ve been watching for the last 12 hours straight, are you okay?” – Netflix
“This wasn’t like ‘High School Musical’ at all.”
“Is this the Krusty Krab?” (via girl on the left) – “No, this is Patrick.” (via guy on the right)
“Dang it! Aaron stole my girl again!” – Everyone (via Aaron Greenwood)
“I love me a good pancake.”
“Master has given Megan a high school diploma. Megan is freeeee!”
“Education is important, but big biceps are importanter.”
“If you like water, you already like 72 percent of me.”
“What is life.” (via guy on the left) — “Ball is life.” (via guy on the right)
“Don’t follow your dreams, follow me on Twitter. @geovanniwalker1”
“If you like pineapple slices on pizza, I hope you like pineapple slices on your children’s graves because you’re weak, your bloodline is weak and you will not survive the winter.”
“You’re adopted.” – My mom
“Bri, if you see this, I want my sweatshirt back.”
Life goals: “Find an old man, wait for him to die and take all his money.”
“If a man does not have sauce then he is lost. But the same man can be lost in the sauce.” – Gucci Mane