Snyder: GSB elections by the numbers
March 10, 2015
Following the 2015 GSB elections, we can look back and see that it was another poor year for voter turnouts. Here are the most prominent election results, as well as the most noticeably low vote totals for a winning senator.
4,153 students voted (12.8 percent of the student population)
Winning presidential candidates received just over eight percent of student approval based on Spring 2015 enrollment numbers.
College of Veterinary Medicine seat won with one vote.
College of Design seat won with three votes.
Graduate College seats (three) won with 11 votes and a tie for the final two seats at one vote.
Two of the three College of Human Sciences seats won with one vote.
One seat of the six for College of Liberal Arts and Sciences won with 18 votes.
Schilleter/University Village seat won with five votes.
Both Frederiksen Court seats won with three votes.
Six of 14 United Residents of Off-Campus won with 17 votes or less.