Open forum to take place with potential library dean

Matthew Rezab

Beth McNeil, associate dean for academic affairs at Purdue University Libraries, will be on campus Monday to answer questions as a candidate for library dean.

McNeil is the second of four candidates being considered for the position vacated by Olivia Madison on Sept. 1, 2014, to join the provost’s office as a special assistant supporting Iowa State’s Higher Learning Commission accreditation review.

Before working at Purdue, McNeil held various leadership positions at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Bradley University in Peoria, Ill.

Associate Dean of Libraries at Baylor University, Jeff Steely, will be available at an open forum March 4.

Marilyn Moody, currently the dean of the University Library at Portland State University, will be available at an open forum March 9.

All open forums will be held in 2019 Morrill Hall at 3 p.m. on the respective dates.