Spring Break: 5 things to remember
March 10, 2015
Whether you’re headed up to the mountains, out to the sea or back home to mom and dad, keeping your personal health and safety in mind this Spring Break is essential if you plan on ever returning to see Ames with green grass again.
Making the most of this fun week is important, but it is essential that students keep safety in mind and take appropriate measures to make their personal health a top priority this week. Here are five tips for a safer, healthier Spring Break 2015:
1. Having all the information will give you an upper hand. While students should have their home address essentially engraved in their brains, the location of whatever hotel they are residing in for the week of March 16 might not ring a bell when emergency strikes.
Students are advised to save the information of where they’re staying in their phones. That way, when it’s bring-your-best-friend-home o’clock, they’ll have quick access to this information as they climb into the backseat of the cab.
Want to cut some costs on vacation? Uber is a mobile-app based transportation network that will connect you with available drivers in minutes. It’s also been known for being more cost friendly than local cab services. “I have the Uber app downloaded on my phone because it’s usually cheaper than a cab and I like having access to all of my transportation options.” said Jane Kalmes, open option sophomore.
2. If there is even a remote possibility of sexual activity in your Spring Break plans, do not try to “wing it.” Prevention Services at Iowa State distributes free condoms at numerous sites throughout campus, including the Thielen Student Health Center. For students who prefer to obtain these in more privacy, online order forms are available.
“Condom distribution is a really effective way to reduce STI’s and unintended pregnancies and make sex safer for students, so that’s where we put our efforts” said Brian Vanderheyden, prevention specialist.
So when yes means yes, Prevention Services at ISU is available for students to gain easy access to resources and information for safer, healthier and protected sex.
3. Whatever drinking rules and limits students have for weekends on Welch Avenue apply tenfold for whatever Spring Break destination students pursue. Don’t accept alcohol from strangers and never leave your drink unattended. If of legal age, watch the bartender prepare your drink to ensure you know exactly what is being poured in.
A recommendation by the U.S. Department of State relays that all students should “Avoid underage and excessive alcohol consumption. “Overdoing it” can lead to an arrest, accident, violent crime or death.”
4. Travel in a group. As the nighttime journey around Spring Break destinations begins, it is recommended that students designate a member of the group to remain sober for the evening. While this carries with it the stigma of being anti-fun, should emergencies arise, everyone will be able to handle the situation safer with the guidance from a friend with sober judgment.
5. A new survey on CareerBuilder found that 51 percent of employers who research job candidates on social media said they’ve found content that caused them not to hire the candidate.
With the rise in popularity of social media apps, it is important for students to remember to keep what they are posting on their personal accounts clean, if not private as well.
The percentage of adults in the U.S. who have a cell phone is 90, and a majority of those devices have a camera built into them. This means that even if students aren’t taking and posting pictures of themselves, anyone could be documenting their behavior at any time. Don’t allow an unruly Spring Break escapade limit your pool of future employers.