Ames residents to travel to sister city in Japan

Matthew Rezab

A delegation Ames residents will be sent to Koshu, Japan in June. The Ames International Partner Cities Association is looking for interested adults to join the trip. An informational meeting will be held in the Rotary Room in the Ames Pubic Library at 7 p.m. Feb. 19.

Citizens wishing to participate at part of the delegation are required to pay their own hotel and airfare expenses on the trip when the group arrives in Tokyo. All expenses incurred in Koshu will be paid by the city of Koshu and the host family the delegate stays with. The trip is expected to cost around $2,000.

Koshu and Ames celebrated the 20th anniversary of their partnership arrangement last year.

“Being part of the delegation offers a truly authentic Japanese experience, and it is likely the most economical way that you will ever visit Japan and see Tokyo and Mt. Fuji,” said AIPCA chairwoman Dianne Brotherson.

According to its website, the mission of AIPCA is to promote cultural and educational exchanges between the people of Ames and those of our partner cities. While AIPCA is not an official board of the city, four delegates are appointed by the mayor.

For more information, contact AIPCA treasurer Bill Diesslin at [email protected]