Things that ISU students do that drive me nuts, part 2

Shelby Kramer

I promised you I would and here it is: another pointless rant about things my ISU peers do that drive me up the wall. Earlier this week, I covered crossing the road, walking on sidewalks, making presentations and the ever-scary bicyclists. Here we go with another round of complaints. Thanks for tuning in.

Let me start with CyRide. We all can sympathize with you wanting to get where you need to get promptly, but seriously think about how packed CyRide is before you jump on. It could be cold, yeah. You could be in a rush, yeah. You could also be a total pain in the arse by sardine-packing yourself into a CyRide hotbox of students only to try to disentangle yourself at the next stop. If you’re getting on a packed CyRide only to travel a couple dozen yards, do us all a favor and hoof it.

Another thing with CyRide: please don’t eat something smelly and jump on the bus. If you do, then disinfect, perfumize, season and baste, whatever. Just do whatever you have to do to make sure you don’t stink up the bus.  With this, please bathe and deodorize regularly.

People, let me talk about walkers that shuffle their feet. Feet shuffling is an epidemic and I’m fairly certain is has to do with women’s fluffy boots and other lazy boot-wearers. Pick up your feet and walk properly. The sound of shuffling feet, and when someone is macking on his or her food is enough to drive me up the wall.

When in class, please refrain from taking snapchat selfies. There are almost always other people in the shot who feel extremely awkward because, yes, we do see ourselves in your phone screen.

Also concerning class: please don’t come into class if you’re more than half the class time late. There’s way too much awkward eye contact between you and the professor, plus you have to find a seat. Strolling in late is awkward on top of awkward, so enter at your own discretion.

One last thing, please use tissues. There’s no greater annoyance than those sitting in class and sniffling as if they’ve never heard of Kleenex. I can sympathize with those with allergies because those suck a bunch. If you’ve got a common cold, blow your schnoz.

This wraps up my rant for today, but I’m sure to find more things that drive me bonkers about interacting with other students on campus. Stay golden.