12 Thoughts while riding public transit

12 thoughts while riding public transit


12 thoughts while riding public transit

Mary Kate Eccles

1. You’re getting on the bus before I can even reach the door. Can you let me off the bus please?

2. While I appreciate that you feel comfortable around me, I also would like my personal bubble to stay intact. I know that the buses get cramped, but I also need to breathe. 

3. Hey, I can hear you talking … all the way from the back of the bus.

4. What is that smell? Pizza? At 9 a.m.? I wouldn’t mind a piece myself, actually.

5. Your book bag deserves its own seat? I didn’t want to sit anyway.

6. Brake check!

7. I’m so sorry I just slammed into you five times, but it is the brake checks, not me. I solemnly swear.

8. The leftovers from your coughing and sneezing attack just landed all over me. It’s fine! What’s being sick one more time this year?

9. Do you have a staring problem? Is something on my face or are you just an avid people watcher? I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. 

10. That is a good song I can hear blaring out of your headphones. *Puts the song name into the notes section of your phone to download later.*

11. But seriously this is my stop and you can’t hear me saying excuse me.

12. *Trips over 10 feet and eight book bags and slips on the slippery steps.* Thanks, Mr. Driver!