Americans arrested for loyalty to Islamic State

Peter O'Brien

With the Islamic State terrorist organization trying to gain support by recruiting young fighters from all around the world, three men in Brooklyn were arrested and charged for aiding ISIS.

The New York Times reported that one of the men was arrested at Kennedy International Airport because he was trying to catch a flight to Instanbul, where he could then travel to Syria to try and fight for the Islamic State.

A recent pattern has been noticed that young men and women are deciding to leave their homes to go and travel to Syria. The New York Times reported that it is believed that thousands of Europeans have traveled to Syria recently, but the arrests of these men in Brooklyn marks the first time that authorities believe the Islamic State is trying to recruit people out of New York to join its cause.

The recruitment of young Americans to join the Islamic State is a scary aspect because ISIS uses propaganda to try and persuade troubled Americans that the right thing is to come and fight for ISIS in order to live a better life. According to the New York Times, the men who were charged in Brooklyn were apparently influenced by videos that were posted by the Islamic State, which inspired them to want to travel to Syria and join the fight.

ISIS is a terrorist organization and the thought of the group recruiting from the United States is a very frightening aspect. These three men who were charged in Brooklyn were supportive of the plans ISIS has for the future and is something they want to fight and possibly die for. ISIS promises these men help and shelter, and offers to teach them to evade capture and to kill.

The New York Times reported that one of the men who was arrested and charged admitted that he wanted to not only fight for ISIS, but he would gladly harm President Obama if he had the chance.

With young Americans wanting to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS, it not only gives the organization more power, but they will be learning more about American life and how to further improve their terrorist intentions.

With tensions with ISIS flaring more than ever and with ISIS murdering numerous American journalists in the most brutal of ways, there is no question that the United States will do all they can to not only stop ISIS as a whole, but to prevent any other Americans from traveling to Syria to join in the fight.