Want some recipes with Doritos? I know I do

Want some recipes with Doritos? I know I do

by Shelby Kramer, [email protected]

Want some recipes with Doritos? I know I do

Shelby Kramer

Doritos Cool Ranch Tuna Noodle Casserole

Cheese overload. Doritos casserole sounds absolutely wonderful. Plus, who doesn’t love leftovers, amirite? You basically follow the same directions as regular tuna noodle casserole, but you top it with crushed Doritos before you throw it in the oven. Some negatives include having to buy a bunch of ingredients, waiting about 45 minutes for your grub to cook and, obviously, having to eat tuna if you don’t like it, though you can substitute chicken.

Dorito Crusted Chicken Tenders 

I’m not sure who thought this up, but Dorito-y chicken strips actually look pretty tasty. All you have to do is dip your raw chicken in some cracked eggs, toss the tenders in some crushed chips and bake ‘em. Simple enough.

Dorito Casserole

This casserole is a bit easier to make than the Doritos Cool Ranch Tuna Noodle Casserole and it sounds pretty delicious. One sucky part is that you have to buy two pounds of ground beef, which can get expensive. You also have to hunt down a can of evaporated milk, which most college students never have to use. Good luck.

Grilled Dorito Crusted Salsa Chicken Burger

I’m not so sure about this one. You mix ground chicken and where the heck do you find ground chicken, right? Then add some salsa in it and form that into a patty. Finally, you coat the patty in crushed Doritos and throw it on the grill. This might be a bit out there, but it could be worth of a try if or when you find ground chicken.