Koenigsfeld: Changes in the Daily during second semester

Stephen Koenigsfeld

By now, some of you who read the print edition of the Iowa State Daily have noticed some pretty drastic changes. So, as the editor of the Daily, I felt inclined to let everyone know about those changes you’ve been seeing, about the ones you might not see every day, and why we’ve decided to go down those roads.

To start off, not every single page in the paper is in color anymore. Yes, that is intentional and not just a mistake with our printer. Like other organizations throughout the country, both professional and collegiate, our budget has shrunk. Keeping that in mind, we’ve had to cut some of our costs and printing color in our paper was one sacrifice we had to make.

With that being said, we have not sacrificed the quality or quantity of content that we put in the Daily. We’re continuing to learn how to play by this ever-changing profession’s rules and after the first week of the semester, I’m confident we’re heading down the right path.

When it comes to the design of the paper, our designers have worked with professionals from the Des Moines Register, among others and have spent hours on research, to make sure we’re giving you the content you want to see in a way that is pleasing to your eyes. Without color on some of the pages, design is crucial to keep you on the information you need to know about.

Finally, sometimes a page will be in color one day and then black and white the next day. Pages one and eight will always be in color to catch your eye on what is on the front page every day. If an advertiser chooses to purchase an ad in color rather than black and white, that makes the page with the ad on it in color as well.

We understand this might not always look the best but we’re still working to provide you with the best content in the best looking ways.

Another major change to the Daily semester is not so much a physical change. Before ISU students were back in Ames, editors and content creators for the Daily were back at work a week prior to classes. We have made it a priority to be more intentional with how we manage the Iowa State Daily Media Group, ranging from training to accuracy in our reporting. 

With all of this said, I feel extremely confident in the team that is in place for the 2014-15 school year to enact these changes and move the Daily forward in this ever-changing industry. We thank you for your readership and patience during this time of transition. Have a great 2015.