“Empire” is the next big thing

Peter O'Brien

Fox has recently launched its new show “Empire,” which is starring Terrence Howard and Taraji P. Henson, and it is completely leading the way for Fox. The New York Times reported that heading in to this television season, Fox was ranked last among the four broadcast networks in ratings and its longtime running show “American Idol” has started to struggle in recent years.

Fox was desperate for a new breakout show, their answer has been “Empire.” This new show features a storyline that revolves around a former drug dealer, played by Terrence Howard, who turned to a life as a big shot in the music industry and found out that he has a fatal disease. As a result, his three sons are all vying to take over his place after he passes away.

“Empire” premiered on Fox earlier this month and has had ratings that are climbing each week. The New York Times reported that for the premiere of “Empire,” the ratings ranked as the highest number for a debut on Fox in the past three years. In addition to that, it is also ranked very high for other kinds of digital viewing.

With this new hit show, Fox is off to a much better season than last year. Hopefully “Empire” will keep drawing the audience’s attention and the ratings will continue to climb. “Empire” has already been renewed for a second season on Fox, so fans can expect more from the show in the future.

Another very appealing part of the show is the music that is displayed throughout the program and consists of many original songs. Fox has always been known for its music, which is displayed in shows like “American Idol” and “Glee.”

Executives at Fox are very excited about “Empire” and the success it has been having, and they are very excited for another show to come along and be successful as well.

“Empire” was created by Lee Daniels, an Oscar nominated director for his work on “The Butler.” With such a strong cast and a strong director, it is no surprise that “Empire” has been receiving so much praise. In a time when Fox was desperate for a new hit, it has found its way back in and “Empire” is leading the way.

However, one successful show doesn’t make up the entire network. Fox’s new challenge is to present another show that is as successful as “Empire,” so Fox can improve its rank among the four broadcast networks.