Resurrected kitty claws up from the grave

Photo from the Humane Society of Tampa Bay

Resurrected kitty claws up from the grave

Shelby Kramer

Beware the zombie cat. About a week and a half ago, a black and white feline by the name of Bart was pronounced dead after being hit by a car. Five days later, and post-burial, Bart was found meowing at the neighbor’s door. Crazy, right?

“This is God’s miracle,” said Dusty Albritton, the neighbor who found Bart, in an interview with Fox 13

After being hit by the car, found in a pool of blood and already stiff, Bart’s owners and Albritton assumed the cat deceased. Five days after his burial, however, Bart was found on Albritton’s doorstep. Bart was crying for food, but was unable to eat it due to bodily injuries. says that “doctors are baffled by the cat’s reappearance.” Doctors can best guess that Bart was knocked out by the car and somehow dug himself out of his grave after coming around.

Bart is being treated at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay for a broken jaw and head trauma, according to Fox 13 also reports that Bart will lose an eye. Despite the losses, most would say Bart is a lucky cat.