Vinyl Theatre Preview
Vinyl Theatre Preview
December 5, 2014
First-time headliners, Vinyl Theatre, will come to Des Moines on Dec. 6.
Vinyl Theatre is a Milwaukee-based band that began in 2012. While new to the scene, Vinyl Theatre has certainly made a name for themselves. The band signed with Fueled By Ramen, the record label, this past summer and have toured with Mister Wives and Twenty-One Pilots. All three bands came to Iowa State this past October.
When Vinyl Theatre came to Iowa State, they performed an acoustic version of their song “Stay” on top of the Memorial Union. Lead singer Keegan Calmes thought it was cool to climb up to the top of the MU and overlook the entire campus.
“It was pretty awesome to see a large portion of the campus from up there. Where I went to college there weren’t many awesome places like that to climb on campus so I was pretty excited to explore,” Calmes said. “I’ve heard rumors about the Campanile and the midnight kissing tradition. I thought it would be a unique chance to capture that bit of architecture and history while we could.”
Calmes said that one of their biggest influences has to be watching their fans grow with the band.
“As musicians we are inspired by a very diverse catalog of music. As human beings I think we are inspired by similar things. We like to see people take chances and bet on themselves,” Calmes said. “That’s definitely a message we want to convey to fans. It’s important to go after the things you want even when they don’t seem tangible. We are all very ambitious and we like to take risks with some aspects of our show.”
Calmes is excited for the first headline tour. However, he does not know which part is more exciting, the first night or the last night of their tour.
“The first night of a tour is always exciting, but it’s over too quickly. I’m either most excited for that first night or for the last night,” Calmes said. “It’s hard to pick when every city has its own unique charm, including the fans attending.”
Calmes said that fans can expect some exciting new ideas to be brought to life on stage.
“They [fans] can expect some new tricks if they’ve seen the show but for newcomers they should be ready for a high-energy night,” Calmes said.
The show is at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 6 at Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and tickets can be bought at the door. Tickets are $10. All ages are allowed admittance to the concert.