10 facts about the Greencards

Courtesy of The Greencards

Emily Benda

So who is this progressive bluegrass band that had to cancel its show last Friday at the Maintenance Shop? Here are 10 quick facts you should know about the grammy-winning band: 

1. The Greencards were founded in Austin, Texas by Kym Warner and Carol Young, both Australian natives. 

2. Their name, “The Greencards,” was created because the band was composed of immigrants from various countries. “It was something that was recognizable, we all had a laugh and thought the name was fun and interesting enough,” said Warner, co-founder of The Greencards. 

3. While not Americans by birth, The Greencards’ music is considered ‘American progressive bluegrass.’ 

4. The Greencards’ first performance together as a band was in the Irish pub, Mother Egan’s.

5. Kym Warner has been playing music for a living for over 20 years. 

6. The Greencards toured with both Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson in 2005.

7. Sweetheart of the Sun is the band’s most recent album. They have six albums total.

8. Warner’s advice for handling writer’s block is to find inspiring people.

“Get around people who inspire you. Collaborating with others really helps that situation,” Warner said.

9. The last time the Greencards performed at Iowa State was in 2012. 

10. The Greencards remember the Maintenance Shop. “They’re [Iowa State] one of our favorite shows, it’s a really great environment and the room [Maintenance Shop] is a special one to play in. We’ve never had anything but a great time,” Warner said.