Community adviser responsibilities, requirements

Matthew Rezab

Requirements to be a Community Adviser

CAs have extremely important jobs and are critical to the Department of Residence’s mission. Each house has one live-in CA who provides leadership to the development of programs and activities in the house and hall, serving as a resource to residents, and enforcing regulations and policies to ensure the safety of residents.

CAs come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of skills and talents. However, there are some qualities that we look for in every student we work with:

  • The ability to problem solve
  • Strong commitment to academics
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Willingness to learn with, from, and about others
  • Commitment to create and participate in an inclusive community

The CA selection process begins with the application. Applications are reviewed and offers for interviews are extended to candidates. There is no “perfect” application – we look for the qualities mentioned above and the other unique strengths you can bring to the position.

There are two minimum requirements that must be met in order to be eligible to apply:

  1. You must have an established ISU or transfer GPA of at least 2.50; and,
  2. You must have completed one full semester of community living experience (residence hall, campus apartment community, boarding school, military barracks, etc.).

Graduate students may apply. Those who have a 20 hour per week, or less, assistantship, are eligible for employment as a Community Adviser. Those with an assistantship above 20 hours will not be eligible. 

Information courtesy of

Click here to learn more about what a CA does.